Sorry I fell off for awhile but I am back and so much better. I feel like a different person than when I initially launched this blog. Honestly, I am really excited to share some of what I’ve been up to. I also have a few exciting things coming up in the next few months that I am going to share. Thank you for those of you who are going to share in my journey.
Not much has changed but at the same time everything has. I’m looking forward to starting fresh and sharing more than I’ve ever had the confidence to share. One of the things I struggled with previously was simply having the confidence to share. God has been building me up so much recently and I feel led to share more in the future. So my goal is to consistently put myself out there and see where it takes me.
One of the biggest changes I’ve had in the past two years ( I know way too long to go MIA) is creating my own little family with my 2 miniature dachshunds. I brought Zola an Isabella/tan piebald home in September 2022. She is shy, sweet and silly. She was the perfect first pup for me to bring home. I knew I wanted a puppy but I had no idea I would take this “dog mom” life so seriously. This girl is living her best life each day. I told myself I would never be this into my dog, yet here I am. I loved her so much I bought her a sibling. Like, who am I? From dog free to 2 pups within a year !
Meet Nova ! In October 2023 I brought Zola’s sister from another litter home. Nova is a black/tan miniature dachshund. She is spunky and spicy. Nova brings all the adventure to our everyday life. I highly recommend getting your dog a buddy. Now that both girls are a little mature it’s not too much work and the work that I put in was worth it. Both my pups have brought so much love and laughter to my home.
Home. This blog is really going to be about turning this little townhouse into a home. I want to share some upcoming projects I want to do in my house. I want to share ways to feel at home when you’re “alone”. Now that I have the girls I will share fun things to do with dogs at home. I want to share the fun I do outside my home. All in all I want this to be a place that feels like it’s home to all who join in.